Monday, July 19, 2010


Feeling sheepish about having whined for comments. Real entry later I think.


Anonymous said...

I haven't commented as much lately because I didn't want to seem like a creepy stalker, but you shouldn't feel bad about asking for comments. Yours is a new blog and so you don't really have a conversational community built up yet. Reminding people to interact is a good way to get there.

Oh, and I got an Alice Miller book from the library thanks to your post about her. I'd read The Drama of the Gifted Child way back in college and should reread it because it meant a lot, but now I'm going for others too.

Franklin P. Smearcase said...

Well, the thing is I'm not that good about commenting on others' blogs, and shouldn't kvetch about it if I'm not doing it. I was just having a certain kind of day and felt like I was blogging into the void.

I have Drama of the Gifted Child here on my desk but am toying with a few other books at the moment and not making much progress with any of them.

Nectarine said...

It's okay, we all get that feeling sometimes I think.

Most of the time, I can appreciate my blog as just being cathartic for ME, but sometimes it is also nice to feel like your thoughts aren't just drifing lost in the void...