Tuesday, April 27, 2010

RIP Alice Miller

The Times has published this obituary for psychoanalist Alice Miller. I've had her books recommended to me over the years but know her primarily as an interesting minor character in Janet Malcolm's In the Freud Archives (possibly the most gripping and insightful book about psychoanalysis I've read.) As I remember it, Dr. Miller comes off in that volume as sympathetic and level-headed. I'd say this is a good nudge to read her books, but it's so hard to follow through with that kind of thing in my somewhat post-clinical life. Anyway, it seemed worth noting.


antiSWer said...

Huh, I had no idea she had passed. She was very influential to my thinking early on. I'll have to dig out some of her books to check out again.

Franklin P. Smearcase said...

Any your younger self would recommend in particular? Drama of the Gifted Child?

antiSWer said...

That is absolutely the place to start. There was another great one...I'll have to check and then come back to recommend it.

antiSWer said...

I believe the book I was thinking of what Thou Shalt Not Be Aware. :)