Thursday, April 29, 2010

I mean...

(Upon review, "readership" sounds grandiose. "Wherever shall I begin building my fan base?" In the blogosphere, readership is reciprocal, generally. What I mean is something more like a community, only whereas "readership" sounds grandiose, "community" sounds...well hey, as long as I'm going on way too long for a freestanding parenthetical: do you find that any time someone has a beef with social work they mention a particular song? Usually prefaced by "sit around singing [X]"? Ok I won't attempt to be mysterious where no mystery can really be found. The song is "Kumbaya." And one of those social work skills they never mention in class, like not flinching when someone tells you something horrible that happened to them because it is not helpful or conducive to further openness is not smacking the shit out of people when they mention "Kumbaya" as if to sum up your entire profession. Or not coming up with sarcastic song references to their profession, which is hard anyway. TPSAII: "community" is a bit far down the road toward "Kumbaya" for one's comfort. So let's just say: I'm figuring out if I can/want to be read much at all. Or if I'm just blogging into the void and for the entertainment of a few patient friends. Shall we close these poor overburdened parentheses now? I think we shall.)

1 comment:

Vincentine Vermeille said...

Poor Kumbaya, I doubt it even deserves the rap--like bra burning.