Monday, May 17, 2010

Funny thing my client's mom said

"He'd give you the shoes off his back."

I should probably avoid making a regular "kids say the durndest things" deal of this, but I liked this one.


Nectarine said...

No need to stop! We all need a laugh.

Franklin P. Smearcase said...

Thanks, Nectarine, and glad it gave you one. As I was writing it I thought "does this fall under the category of things where I'm using my client's earnest words for my own purposes, even just to entertain a friend or two?" Because (story already told elsewhere on extremely verbose blog, I think) I had a friend who did ask me stuff like "what was your most fucked up case?!" and I thought: Not for your entertainment, the crazy of my clients. This, though, I decided was benign. She gave me a good interview, helpful in her son's defense, kind of poignant, and it just was a funny turn of phrase.

This long explanation for a short post brough to you by my adversarial relationship with caffeine.

Vincentine Vermeille said...

I think long ago my grandmother said to me something like, "She was watching him like a hawk. Like two hawks." Or maybe I made it up, but I love it. The shoes off his back is my new favorite.